
College Workshop

Quadcopter : Quadcopters with four rotors, achieve stability through physics principles. They excel in tasks like photography, rescue, and racing. Controlled via remotes or apps.

Fixed Wing :Unlock your potential at our fixed-wing workshop for students entering the aviation world. Craft, customize, and pilot your own aircraft while gaining practical STEM knowledge. Experienced trainers will mentoryou, nurturing your problem-solving skills.

School Workshop

Mini Drone : Mini drones are small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). They are lightweight and excellent tools for individuals who want to learn the basics of drone flying

Spider Quadrobot : Spider quadrobot have four legs that move in sync with each other in order to identify their positions and maintain their balance.

Obstacle Avoiding Robot : An Obstacle Avoidance Robot is an intelligent robot, which can automatically sense and overcome obstacles on its path.

Line Follower : A line follower robot follows a line on a surface, typically black on white and vice versa.